
Linux Commands

These are the commands I tend to use on Linux servers, such as eevee in CSBL.
EEVEE has the unique ability to evolve into eight different creatures: Sylveon, Umbreon, Espeon, Leafeon, Glaceon, Vaporeon, Jolteon, or Flareon.

1. cd (change directory)

examples :

  • cd ..: Move to the parent directory.
  • cd ~: Move to the home directory.
  • cd -: Move to the previous directory.

2. mkdir (make directory)

options :

  • -p: Create parent directories as needed.

examples :

  • mkdir [folder]: Creat a directory named folder.
  • mkdir -p [parent]/[child]: Create the child directory along with the parent if it doesn’t exist.

3. rm (remove)

options :

  • -r: Recursively delete directories and their contents.
  • -f: Force deletion without confirmation.
  • -i: Prompt before deleting.

examples :

  • rm [file.txt]: Delete file.txt.
  • rm -rf [folder]: Forcefully delete the folder directory and its contents

4. rmdir (remove directory)

options :

  • --ignore-fail-on-non-empty: Ignore errors if the directory is not empty.

examples :

  • rmdir [empty_folder]: Remove an empty directory named empty_folder

5. mv (move, or rename files or directories)

options :

  • -i: Prompt before overwriting files.
  • -u: Move only newer files.
  • -v: Show details of the operation.

examples :

  • mv [file.txt] /destination/: Move file.txt to the destination directory
  • mv [old_name.txt] [new_name.txt]: Rename old_name.txt to new_name.txt

6. ls (list directory contents)

options :

  • -a: Show all files, including hidden ones.
  • -l: Display detailed file information (permissions, owner size, modification time).
  • -h: Display sizes in a human-readable format.
  • -R: Recursively list subdirectories.

examples :

  • ls -alh: Show all files, detailed information, and sizes in a human-readable format.

7. cat (concatenate)

options :

  • -n: Display line numbers.
  • -E: Show $ at the end of each line.

examples :

  • cat [file.txt]: Display the contents of file.txt.
  • cat [file1.txt] [file2.txt] > [merged_file.txt]: Merge two files into one.
  • cat -n [file.txt]: Display the contents of file.txt with line numbers.

8. nano

options :

  • -m: Enable mouse support
  • -v: Open files in read-only mode.
  • -B: create a backup of the file.
  • -C [directory]: Save backup files in a specific directory.

examples :

  • nano [file.txt]: Open file.txt for editing.
  • nano -v [file.txt]: Open file.txt in read-only mode.
  • nano -m [file.txt]: Enable mouse support while editing file.txt.

9. python 3

options :

  • -v or --version: Check the Python version.
  • -c [code]: Execute a single line of Python code.
  • -m [module]: Run a specific Python module.
  • --help: Display help for Python commands.

examples :

  • python3 -v: Check the Python 3 version.
  • python3 -c "print('Hello World!)": Execute a single line of code.
  • python3 []: Run the file.
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